catchment analysis at the RFG2018 Conference, Vancouver, Canada
Dennis attended the RFG2018 conference in Vancouver in June, 2018 and presented at talk entitled "Processing Regional Stream Sediment Data for Mineral Exploration Targeting" in the session on Mineral Prospectivity Modeling and Assessment of Undiscovered Mineral Resources. The presentation focused on the use of catchment analysis to interpret stream sediment geochemical data. It was standing room only (although a very small room it must be said)!
This presentation formed part of a significant contribution to the conference by the Associated of Applied Geochemists as part of the International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS). It summarized work conducted on regional government stream sediment data from British Columbia and the Yukon Territory, Canada that have been re-analysed in recent years using modern instrumental finishes to provide lower detection limits and a broader range of elements. This talk summarised the interpretation of over 50,000 stream sediment samples over the past five years.
Sample locations have been validated where possible and catchment basins generated to allow interrogation of bedrock and Quaternary geology. This information has been used to correct the geochemical data for variable bedrock lithology and metal scavenging using a variety of methods, and thus enhance the geochemical signal associated with mineral deposits, such as porphyry Cu, sediment-hosted base metal and orogenic Au deposits. The work demonstrates the benefits of using a catchment analysis approach to the interpretation of stream sediment geochemical data.